Criteria and Group Criteria Sections

Use the this section to select the criteria, including Group criteria, for selecting expense reports or advances.

Screen Fields

Field Description

Use the drop-down list to select the action that you want to perform. The available options are:

  • Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed
  • Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances

The default value is Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed.

Batch ID

How this field works depends on the option you select for the Action drop-down list. If you select Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed, this displays as an edit field. If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances, this field displays as a lookup.

If this field is editable, you need to supply the batch ID that is used to update the expense report records. In this case, the Batch ID field is required and must be unique; otherwise, the system displays the error messages: "Batch ID is required" or "Batch ID has already been used. Please enter a different one."

If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances, this field displays as a drop-down list where you need to select the batch ID to specify the expense reports for which the statuses is set to Approved. The available options are those batch IDs that have been assigned to processed expense reports. The default value for the drop-down list is Select.


The availability of this field depends on your selection in the Action drop-down list. If you selected Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances, this field is disabled. If you selected Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed, use to select the function of the supervisor/administrator. The available selections depend on the rights that you have as a supervisor in the system. If you have more than one functional role in the system, the default is Select. If you have just one functional role, it will be the default.

Your selection determines which groups display in the group list. For example, if you have a primary supervisor function set up in your Manage Functional Roles screen and select Primary Supervisor, the groups to which you have primary supervisory rights displays in the group list.

Attention: Please see the Manage Functional Roles section of the Deltek Expense Getting Started Guide for more information.
Group Criteria

If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances, this table is disabled. If you choose Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed, select the group(s) whose employee expense reports you want to include. The list displays in alphabetical order.

If you have not selected at least one option in the Group field when you select Refresh Group, the system displays the following error message: "At least one Employee Group needs to be selected."


The availability of this field depends on your selection for the Action lookup. If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances, this field is disabled. If you select Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed, use to select the expense report type you want to use. The valid values are all expense report types set up in your system. All is the default value.

State Date

If you select Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed in the Action drop-down list, click to the right of the field to select a start date. If you select the Update button without choosing a start date, the application considers all expense reports dated before the date entered in the End Date field. If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances in the Action drop-down list, this field is disabled.

End Date

If you select Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed in the Action drop-down list, click to the right of the field to select an end date. If you select the Update button without choosing an end date, the application considers all expense reports dated after the date entered in the Start Date field. If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances in the Action drop-down list, this field is disabled.


Click Update to load the Results table with the expense reports that meet the selected criteria.

If you select Mark Expense Reports/Advances Processed for the Action drop-down list, the Results tab displays the expense reports that meet these criteria:

  • Expense report or advance has an Approved status.
  • The employee for the expense report or advance must be a member of at least one of the selected groups.
  • The expense report type must match your selection in the Type lookup (if All is not selected).
  • If you supply a date for the Start Date field, the expense reports or advances must have a date later than or the same as the start date.
  • If you supply a date for the End Date field, the expense reports or advances must have a date earlier than or the same as the end date.
  • The expense report or advance is not currently being exported.

If you select Un-Mark Processed Expense Reports/Advances for the Action drop-down list, the Results tab displays all expense reports and advances that have been assigned the selected batch ID.